Re_construction and record: exploring alternatives for heritage villages after earthquakes in Chile
June 2015 to June 2016
After winning the Transforming UCL Competition with one of her research images, Bernadette had a solo exhibition of her PhD work. Two large scale images of her case studies are displayed along a 18 m long hoarding at Gordon St, UCL's entrance in London. These images are a top view of San Lorenzo de Tarapacá and a plan view of Lolol, with high level of detail, rendered using 3D scanning data that she obtained there in 2013. This technology is fast and accurate as a survey tool. Indeed, the images show all the 3D scans taken on these cases, which conform its complete heritage area, obtained in only three days in each case, although with only some samples of interior spaces. Some more images, explanations and videos of these cases are along the exhibition too. This is part of Bernadette's PhD research, which objective was to generate new architectural design alternatives to address conservation and re-construction of heritage villages after earthquakes through the exploration of sustainable and technological methods, and the role that accurate recording technologies have in that process. It can also be explored via Google Street View:
More information about the competition here:
More information about the contents here: