Permanent exhibition: multi-layered image “Venice at a Distance” in the UCL Student Centre, Bloomsbury, London, 2019.
Felipe is an Architect from Chile and is currently a Research Fellow at the Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group, University of Nottingham. He also teaches studio and theory at the MA in Architectural Design at the University of Sheffield. Felipe obtained his BA and professional qualification as an architect at the University of Chile, a Master in Architecture at the Catholic University of Chile (PUC), and a PhD in Architectural Design from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL).
After completing his PhD, Felipe has worked in research at the UCL Urban Laboratory and at the Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage (CAUGH) of Nottingham Trent University (NTU). Experiences and discourses of absence in the built environment are Felipe’s core research subject, to build up alternative understandings and representations of urban change, and to inform design thinking. He has disseminated his research internationally through publications, exhibitions, presentations at conferences, and invited talks.
His international teaching experience spans 20 years and covers interior design, architecture, urban and landscape design, as well as architectural history and theory, at the Universities of Greenwich and Kingston (UK), PUC and Talca (Chile), Puerto Rico (PR), among others. He served as an External Examiner for the Interior Design BA at the University of East London, and has been recently invited for project reviews at the MA Creative Practice at the Bartlett UCL, the Manchester School of Architecture in the UK, the Master in Architectural Conservation and Regeneration at CEPT University in India, and at the Georgia Tech School of Architecture in the USA. Felipe is a co-founder of DLA Scan Architectural Studio and member of Urban Transcripts
Felipe es Arquitecto de la Universidad de Chile, Magíster en Arquitectura por la Universidad Católica de Chile, y PhD in Architectural Design por La Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. Actualmente es Research Fellow en el grupo de investigación Architecture, Culture and Tectonics, de la University of Nottingham y hace clases de proyectos y teoría en el Magíster de Diseño Arquitectónico en la University of Sheffield.
Después de terminar su doctorado, Felipe trabajó en investigación en el UCL Urban Laboratory y en la Nottingham Trent University. Su principal tema de investigación explora experiencias y discursos de ausencia en el medio construido, para crear representaciones alternativas de cambios urbanos e informar aproximaciones al diseño. Felipe ha diseminado su investigación internacionalmente a través de publicaciones, exhibiciones, presentaciones en conferencias, y como presentador invitado.
Su experiencia docente es de carácter internacional y abarca 20 años, en las áreas de diseño interior, arquitectura, diseño urbano y del paisaje, y teoría e historia de la arquitectura. Felipe fue Examinador Externo en el programa de Interior Design de la University of East London y recientemente ha sido invitado a revisiones de proyectos en el Master of Arts in Creative Practice en la Bartlett UCL y en la Manchester School of Architecture en el Reino Unido; en el Master in Architectural Conservation and Regeneration de la Universidad CEPT en India; y en la Georgia Tech School of Architecture en los Estados Unidos.
“The Layered Absences of the Heygate Estate, South London (1974-2014)”
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly

2021 Conference Paper: Devilat, Bernadette; Desai, Jigna ; Jigyasu, Rohit, Abdelmonem, Mohamed G, Mane, Mrudula, and Lanuza, Felipe. “Towards a re-construction method for seismic-prone heritage settlements in Gujarat, India, based on advanced recording technologies”, XVII International Conference on Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture STREMAH 2021 (online). Held in May. Organisers: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, and Link Campus University, Italy. Publication in WIT Transactions of the Built Environment (in press).
2020 Book Chapter: Devilat, Bernadette and Felipe Lanuza. “Drawing (on) the context: scanning, designing, building”, in The Artful Plan: Architectural Drawing Reconfigured, edited by Martin Søberg and Anna Hougaard. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. 138 – 155.
2020 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “The Layered Absences of the Heygate Estate”, arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 24-1 (May 2020), pp. 49 – 65. DOI: 10.1017/S135913552000010X
2019 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “Absence, silence and the shades of Takemitsu´s Ma in Venice”,Interstices Journal of Architecture and related Arts Nº20 ‘Presence’, pp. 80 – 92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24135/ijara.v0i0.557
2008 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “Ruin, Allegory and Anamnesis: the practice of memory on the dis-appearance of the ex-railway ring of Santiago” (in translation from Spanish). De Arquitectura, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, Santiago. Nº 18, ISSN 0716 – 8722, pp. 20 – 28. http://www.revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/article/view/28162
2008 Article: Mondragón, Hugo and Felipe Lanuza. “The Intricate game of identity: for an archaeology of the Colombian architecture” (in translation from Spanish). DeArq, Architecture Department of the University of the Andes (Colombia) ISSN 2011 – 3188, Nº3, pp. 5 – 12. https://revistas.uniandes.edu.co/doi/abs/10.18389/dearq3.2008.01
2006 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “Suspended Fragments: reflections on the ex-tajamares of the Mapocho river” (in translation from Spanish). De Arquitectura, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, Santiago, Nº13, ISSN 0716 – 8722, pp. 93 – 97. http://www.revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/article/view/28303
Other Selected Publications
2019 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “On Margins and Absences: notes on how Enric Miralles Engaged with Place”, inForma ‘Site conditions’ (12), Autumn. School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, pp. 38 – 47. https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/informa/article/view/17362
2018 Article: Devilat, Bernadette and Felipe Lanuza. “3D Scan House”, inForma Nº11 ‘Hybrid Realities’- ‘Realidades Híbridas’, Autumn. School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico pp. 110 – 115. https://revistas.upr.edu/images/informa/2018/v11/p2.pdf
2017 Article (section photography): Lanuza, Felipe. “Palimpsests of light: the absence of the Heygate Estate”, The Urban Transcripts Journal (online, ISSN 2514-5339), Vol. 1, Nº1, March 2017. http://journal.urbantranscripts.org/article/palimpsests-of-light-the-absence-of-the-heygate-estate-felipe-lanuza/
2016 Book Chapter: Lanuza, Felipe. “Four Palimpsests on the Erasure of the Heygate Estate”, in Engaged Urbanism: Cities & Methodologies, Editors Ben Campkin and Ger Duijzings, London: IB Tauris, pp. 69 – 76.
2015 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “Venice, No Guilt”. Lobby Nº2, Spring 2015, Bartlett School of Architecture, pp. 79 – 82.
2015 Short Book Chapter: Lanuza, Felipe. “Maestranza San Eugenio Ludic Park: an alternative for the valorisation and public use of the railway landscape” (in translation from Spanish), in Between railways and chimneys: a journey through the San Eugenio working-class and railway neighbourhood (in translation from Spanish), Editors Luis Rojas, María de los Ángeles Carvajal and Andrea Ortega, Santiago: FONDART, pp. 135-136. available via academia.edu
2014 Article (image gallery): Lanuza, Felipe.“Time Mirrored: reflecting around the Surrey Canal”. Opticon 1826 (online), (16): 13, pp. 1-2 http://ojs.lib.ucl.ac.uk/index.php/up/article/view/1294/586
2013 Article: Lanuza, Felipe. “Immaterial Densities. Revealing an alternative Heygate Estate”. Interstices Journal of Architecture and related Arts Nº14, ISSN 1170-585X, pp. 110 – 114. http://interstices.aut.ac.nz/ijara/index.php/ijara/article/view/119
2013 Conference Paper: Lanuza, Felipe. “The absent landscape of the Iron Ring: a reconstruction of fragments of the ex-railway circumvallation of Santiago” Conference Rust, Regeneration and Romance. Iron and Steel Landscapes. Held in July. Organisers: Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Birmingham, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. Venue: Ironbridge Gorge, UK (published in conference proceedings CD-Rom ISBN-13: 978-0704428386).
2011 Book Chapter: Rosas, José and Felipe Lanuza. “The historical centre of Santiago as a factor of urban promotion and validity” (in translation from Spanish), in Lima-Santiago: urban restructuring and change (in translation from Spanish). Edited by Wiley Ludeña and Carlos de Mattos. Santiago and Lima: IEUT, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the Architecture and City Research Centre, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, pp. 103 – 130. ISBN 9789563453270.
2009 Conference Communication + Poster: Devilat, Bernadette and Felipe Lanuza. “Representations before a disappearance. San Juan de Dios Maritime Sanatorium in Viña del Mar” (in translation from Spanish), III International DOCOMOMO Seminar Modern Heritage and the City. Held in November. Organised by DOCOMOMO Chile, MArch Programme of the Catholic University of Chile, Federico Santa María Technical University, University of Valparaiso and Catholic University of Valparaíso. Venue: Federico Santa María Technical University Main Campus, Viña del Mar, Chile (published in conference proceedings).
11/2020 Lanuza, Felipe. “Burgess Park: in the absence of the Aylesbury Estate”, XVII Annual International AHRA Conference Housing and the City. Venue/organiser: University of Nottingham (online).
08/2020 Lanuza, Felipe. “Heritage in the context of urban regeneration: representing the multi-layered absences of Burgess Park and the Aylesbury Estate”, V Association of Critical Heritage Studies Conference Futures. Venue/organiser: University College London (online).
06/2019 Lanuza, Felipe. “Archive and Site: The Ghost of Peter Eisenman’s Cannaregio Ovest Project (1978) in Venice”, Frascari Symposium IV The Secret Lives of Architectural Drawings and Models: From Translating to Archiving, Collecting, and Displaying. Venue/organiser: Kingston School of Art, London, UK.
06/2015 Lanuza, Felipe.“Erasure and persistence in South London: experiences of absence in the Heygate Estate and Burgess Park”, Workshop Erasure and Displacement: urban memoryscapes. Venue/organiser: London School of Economics, LSE Cities, London, UK. https://lsecities.net/media/objects/events/erasure-and-displacement-urban-memoryscapes-workshop-2
05/2014 Lanuza, Felipe. “Ambivalent Interruption: the Absence of the Heygate Estate”, Symposium Global Cities and Practices of Interruption. Held in May. Organisers: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), UK Arts & Humanities Research Council. Venue: Senate House, London, UK.
06/2013 Lanuza, Felipe. “The Absent Landscape of the Iron Ring: a reconstruction: on fragments of the ex-railway circumvallation of Santiago” Symposium Disused Transport Infrastructure in Research & Practice: Interdisciplinary and Pan-European Perspectives. Organisers: Stadtkolloquium. Venue: Pearson Building, UCL, London, UK.
07/2004 Lanuza, Felipe.“Maestranza San Eugenio Ludic Park: observations on the emergence of the abandoned inner railway-ring of Santiago” (in translation from Spanish), I International Seminar Industrial Architecture and Heritage: Cultural identity and sustainable development. Organised by the Chartered Association of Architects of Chile. Venue: Diego Portales Conference Centre and Sewell, Chile.
10/2020 Lanuza, Felipe. Conference at the School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Recinto Río Piedras, PR (online event). Presentation title “Distances” (in translation from Spanish).
04/2020 Lanuza, Felipe. Lecture at ACT Guest Seminars, Architecture Culture and Tectonics Research Group, University of Nottingham, UK (online). Lecture “Absence and Layering: from experiencing urban leftovers to reimagining sites”.
02/2019 Lanuza, Felipe. Guest speaker, Histories of Global London, MA in Architecture and Historic Environments, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK. Presentation: “Documents of Urban Change: experiences of absence in Burgess Park and the Aylesbury Estate”
12/2018 Lanuza, Felipe. Guest speaker, Mediated Environments, MA Situated Practice, The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL, London, UK. Presentation: “Documents of Urban Change: experiences of absence in Burgess Park and the Aylesbury Estate”
03/2018 Devilat, Bernadette and Felipe Lanuza. Guest speaker in: Small Talks: Exploring International Opportunities in South America. Venue/organiser: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), London, UK. Presentation: “3D Scan House”(with Bernadette Devilat)
11/2016 Lanuza, Felipe. Lecture at the seminar Re-imagining Sheffield’s post-war modernist social housing. Venue/organiser: Department of Urban Studies, University of Sheffield, UK. Lecture: Representing Absence, images of the Heygate Estate
06/2014 Lanuza, Felipe. Presentation in research residency Doctoral Students Programme at the CCA. Venue/organiser: CCA, Montreal, Canada. Paper: “Misreading Peter Eisenman: another absence for the Cannaregio West Project in Venice”
10/2013 Lanuza, Felipe. Guest speaker, Design Studio, BA Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Greenwich. Presentation: “Erasure and memory in the site of the Heygate Estate”
11/2009 Lanuza, Felipe. Lecture at the workshop Latin America 2008: Patterns and Identities in Santiago de Chile: planned city, lived city. Organiser: Graphic and Industrial Design Pontifical Bolivarian University of Medellin. Venue: School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. Presentation: “Introduction to the Urban History of Santiago de Chile” (in translation from Spanish)
04/2009 Lanuza, Felipe. Guest speaker, Research Studio, BA Architecture, School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile. Presentation: “Landscape of Absence: keys for an interpretation of the territories of the ex-railway circumvallation of Santiago” (in translation from Spanish)
14/10/2019 - 19/10/2019 Lanuza, Felipe. “Documents of Urban Change: experiences of absence in Burgess Park and the Aylesbury Estate”, Solo Exhibition, various media including printed images, looping videos, texts, site-specific sounds, site-specific objects. Bartlett School of Architecture, mezzanine space, 22 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0BQ
18/02/2019 - permanent Lanuza, Felipe. “Venice at a distance” (2015), multi-layered photographic composition, mural in the new UCL Student Centre, 27-28 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0AH. 3m x 6m. London, UK.
01/11/2017 - 21/11/2017 Devilat, Bernadette and Felipe Lanuza. “Drawing (on) the context: drawing, designing, building”. Conference and Exhibition Drawing a Million of Plans. Venue/Organiser: KADK, Copenhagen, Denmark. Pieces exhibited: 2 acrylic prints 60x40cm, 2 acrylic prints 60x30cm
13/02/2017 Lanuza, Felipe. “Photographer kneeling and taking a picture of two barges in the Surrey Canal on a foggy day”. Event Film Making Space. Organiser: PhD students, Bartlett School of Architecture. Venue: Royal Academy, London, UK. Piece exhibited: looping video (1:10)
24/02/2015 – 27/03/2015 Lanuza, Felipe. “Layered representations of absence.” Conference and Exhibition PhD Research Projects. Venue/organiser: The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK. Pieces exhibited: 2 metallic prints, size 75x75cm; 1 looping video (1:10)
13/02/2014 Lanuza, Felipe. “Erasing Silence: the Heygate suspended.” Study Day and ExhibitionDerek Jarman: Sites and Spaces. Venue: Wates House, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK. Organisers: UCL Urban Laboratory, The Slade School of Fine Arts, UCL History of Art. Pieces exhibited: 4 matt prints, size 119x84cm; 2 acrylic prints, size 60x40cm; 1 looping sound piece (10:38)
08/11/2013 – 10/11/2013 Lanuza, Felipe. “Palimpsests of Light. Erasure, absence and memory in the Heygate Estate.” Conference and Exhibition CHAT 2013. The experience of archaeology and the archaeology of experience. Venue: Wilkins Building, UCL Main Campus, London, UK. Organisers: UCL Institute of Archaeology and Atkins. Pieces exhibited: 4 matt prints, size 119x84cm; 2 acrylic prints, size 60x40cm; 1 looping video (14:06)
03/05/2013 Lanuza, Felipe. “Palimpsests of Light. The fringes of The Heygate Estate.” Event Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain 1st Graduate Student Forum. Organisers: Danielle Willkens, Kate Jordan (SAHGB). Venue: Wilkins Haldane Room, UCL Main Campus, London, UK. Pieces exhibited: 2 acrylic prints, size 60x40cm
23/04/2013 – 26/04/2013 Lanuza, Felipe. “Materialising Absence. The present of the Heygate Estate”. Exhibition and events programme Cities Methodologies 2013. Venue: UCL Slade Research Centre, London, UK. Organiser: UCL Urban Laboratory. Pieces exhibited: 4 matt prints, size 119x84cm; 1 looping video (14:06); 1 gloss print 75x75; 1 board with soil and on-site collected objects, size 488x60cm
Exhibition open until tomorrow! Method for seismic-prone heritage areas, with Bela in India as case study… https://t.co/sRUvH1ntSM
Thanks @TrentUni for this blog on the project & exhibition (Open until 9 pm this Thursday 30 June)@lanuzarq… https://t.co/fT9V0Xl5Vo
RT @NTUadbe: There's still time to see the Digital Bela exhibition. It's on the top floor of Newton, on the right as you walk in😊 https://t.co/1uA1QV4Wo9
RT @NTUadbe: Delighted to welcome Chilean TV show 'Pasaporte Ciencia' to Arkwright today to film a documentary about earthquake… https://t.co/cSihpYcRrz